Our Team

The name 'RARE' is derived from our company's primary intent: that of promoting unique travel experiences, through a handpicked selection of intimate palaces, jungle lodges, boutique home-stays and private retreats within India and the subcontinent. To match that we need a team that can think out of the box, carry forward the unique story of every hotel and believe in the ethos that we have built for ourselves through our hotels. Our sales, marketing, content and consultation team is dynamic and many have learnt on the job. Each member of our team is proficient in one unique skill but can run a few other projects equally well should the need arise. Together we are a formidable team with over a 100 years of collective experience in different segments of travel and hospitality.

Shoba Mohan
Vish Gopalakrishnan
Murali Sundaram
Sunil Yohannan
Shobhana Jain
Jini Matthew
Ravinder Gosain
Joseph Rajan Passah
Associate Office
Juhi Jain