Museum of Stories
From concept to operation, dream to design each destination hotel of the RARE Community is a story worth being told many times, in different ways. If RARE were a physical entity, it would fill multiple rooms with sepia toned photos of heritage preservation, gold tinted handover documents to erstwhile royalty, herbariums filled with many flowering grasses, sketches of iridescent sunsets, voices of happy animals, footsteps of artists, photographers and film makers, art, craft, textiles, books, dreams, hopes and vision….. each drawing you into their stories. Many times you will enter a story, this collection is an ode to every hotel of the community, the destination may be different, but every story is worth celebrating.
It's about the people and...
      Promoting RARE partner hotels to discerning, direct travelers is quite a challenge.  Talking about these beautiful jewels on India’s travel map from a tiny stall pitched under the winter sun is inadequate. The posters do not do much justice as they...
Lots of sea, lots of sky...
Surya Samudra Private Retreats, Pulinkudi Beach, Kovalam, Kerala Set off the Arabian Coast on a low  rocky cliff that meanders into the raging sea ( it was the onset of monsoons when I visited ) Surya  Samudra has all the charms of a sea side resort – Sun , Sea, Sand and swaying...
Lots of sea, lots of sky...
      Surya Samudra Private Retreats, Pulinkudi Beach, Kovalam, Kerala   Set off the Arabian Coast on a low  rocky cliff that meanders into the raging sea ( it was the onset of monsoons when I visited ) Surya  Samudra has all the charms of a sea side...
A RARE retreat by the sea...
  A RARE retreat by the sea in Kerala  and a Jungle Home in the wilds near Corbett.   With the above two hotels joining us from July , RARE now represents 20 of India’s best small boutique hotels, camps and lodges – each a unique gem powered by passionate...
Monsoon Magic in Rajasthan
Have you ever been in Rajasthan when the sky is over cast and heaving with imminent rains ? Those who have will agree that it is an unforgettable vista.   Especially the central and southern Rajasthan which is inundated with lakes and forests , dry river terrains and the extensive...
Ten years with Outlook...
This is a personal note for Outlook Traveller and if you detect an underlying complaint, it is there for a reason. My passion for travel took me to several places known and unknown. By 1998 my passion, egged on by some well wishers became my profession. I loved to explore new places, mostly...
Treading softly....
I must admit this is not mine. But when shifting through my daughter's old notes for the "raddiwala" I came across this register with some invaluable tips for day to day use. I rewrite word to word as most RARE hotels work on a very environment conscious and  conservation oriented ethos....
Summer Time
Rare is proud to present an exceptional plantation stay near Darjeeling, Glenburn Tea Estate. A complete experience that is atmospheric and encompasses landscapes, cuisine, culture and learning.   Inspired by the Vineyards of Europe,  the Prakash family opened their...